The Order of the Garde Manger, or OGM was originally formed in 1947 as The Servers. The Servers mission was to provide food service during reunions and to have fun doing so. Their membership grew to over 60 during the 1950s and 60s. In 2006, The Servers were reorganized as The Order of the Garde Manger.

Garde Manger meaning “Keep to Eat” or “Keeper of the Food” was the first professional culinary position in Europe, originating in pre-revolutionary France. Having a Garde Manger in your castle or Manor house was a sign of power and prestige.

The Order of the Garde Manger provides quality food service to Austin Scottish Rite during all functions – stated meetings, reunions and other events as needed. The organization is known for enjoying fun and fellowship and welcomes all members who desire to serve the Valley in a meaningful way.

Members interested in joining the Garde Manger should contact the Executive Steward. This is a great way to learn kitchen skills from a professional chef.

Executive Steward – Michael Sentell