The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite has often been referred to as the University of Freemasonry. Scottish Rite masons are encouraged to continue their education on aspects of Freemasonry throughout their lives.

The Supreme Council, 33°, SJ, USA, firmly believes that an educated Mason gets the most out of his fraternity. An educated Mason not only enjoys his Masonic experience more, but also receives the Craft better. With that in mind, the Scottish Rite Valley of Austin offers several opportunities for its members to expand their Masonic knowledge.

These opportunities are in addition to the esoteric and philosophical knowledge conveyed in the degrees themselves. Members are encouraged to continuously deepen their education by taking advantage of the opportunities provided to them.

Collegium Ecossais

The Collegium Ecossais explores the history, philosophy and ritual of the Scottish Rite degrees. This is the most serious in-person study group to further your masonic education that is available in the region.

Austin Scottish Rite Book Club

The Austin Scottish Rite Book Club explores history, philosophy, freemasonry and the Scottish Rite. This is the relaxed, beginner level of the collegium. Enjoy discussing interesting topics in the company of fellow Scottish Rite masons.

Master Craftsman

The Scottish Rite Master Craftsman (SRMC) program is an exciting, by-mail correspondence course designed and administered by staff at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC, under the guidance and leadership of the Supreme Council, 33°, of the A&A Scottish Rite, SJ, USA. Upon completion of each program, the participant will be rewarded with a medal or pins to denote multiple completions.

College of the Consistory

The College of the Consistory is a free self-study program for Scottish Rite Masons of all Orients. The curriculum is facilitated by the Guthrie College in Oklahoma and made available to all enrolled members.  The College distributes to its members a syllabus of each degree of the Scottish Rite, which will provide ideas for essays and research papers. It is a self-paced, self-directed educational program concerning the degrees.

Scottish Rite Research Society

The Scottish Rite Research Society (SRRS) formed in 1991, is one of the most dynamic forces in contemporary Masonic research, pursuing a publication program that emphasizes quality—both in content and in physical form. (Please note this link will direct you to the SRRS’s web site).

Its publications have redefined the standards of Masonic scholarship. Anyone who is interested in deepening his or her understanding of Freemasonry would benefit from Society membership.

Texas Lodge of Research

Texas Lodge of Research is a Masonic Blue Lodge instituted on December 4, 1958 in Waco, Texas “for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, conducting, and fostering Masonic research and study.”

Membership in Texas Lodge of Research is available to any Master Mason who is in good standing of a lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of Texas.

A member, after having a paper accepted and presented before the lodge is eligible to be elected to Full Membership.

Full Members can wear the distinctive aprons of Texas Lodge of Research. The apron is a replica of the apron worn by members of the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas.

New Age Magazine

The New Age Magazine was a Masonic magazine published by the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States

The New Age began in 1904. No issue or contribution copyright renewals were found for this serial. It was published under this title until 1989, when it was replaced by the Scottish Rite Journal.

Scottish Rite Journal

The Scottish Rite Journal is published bimonthly by the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction. It is a free subscription to all members in good standing.

Masonic Legacy Society

The Masonic Legacy Society are Masons finding meaning through personal contemplation, practical application, and the exercise of freewill.