Fidelity Lodge of Perfection
4°-14° The Ineffable Degrees

Venerable Master: James Baker 33° I.G.H.
Senior Warden:  Ben Ryon 33° I.G.H.
Junior Warden:  Danut Prisacaru 32°
Orator:  Irakli Mirzashvili 32°
Almoner:  James Baker, 33° I.G.H.
General Secretary:  Don Eames 32° K.C.C.H.
Treasurer:  Irakli Mirzashvili 32°
Prelate:  David Hill 32°
Master of Ceremonies: Andy Barclay 32° K.C.C.H.
Expert:  William Lewis 32°
Assistant Expert:  Brian Haulette 32°
Captain of the Guard:  Paul Rana 32°
Tiler:  Will Braswell 32°

Philip C. Tucker Chapter Rose Croix
15°-18° The Historical and Religious Degrees

Wise Master:   Richard Garrett 32°
Senior Warden:  James Baker 33° I.G.H.
Junior Warden:  David Hill 32°
Orator:  David Bourland 32°
Master of Ceremonies:  Dennis Hill 32°
Expert:  Ron Robert 32º
Assistant Expert:  Paul Rana 32°
Standard Bearer:  Matthew Whitaker 32°
Guardian of the Temple: Nate Stilwell 32°

James D. Richardson Council of Knights Kadosh
19°-30° The Philosophical and Chivalric Degrees

Commander of Kadosh:  Fernando Albornoz  32° K.C.C.H.
1st Lieutenant:  Raul Scully 32° K.C.C.H.
2nd Lieutenant:  Garrett Moxley 32° K.C.C.H.
Chancellor:  Eduardo Contreras 32°
Orator:  Scott Conn 32°
Master of Ceremonies:  Rick Smith, 32°
Turcopilier:  Alex Ortiz, 32°
Draper:  Matthew Whitaker, 32°
1st Deacon:  Byron Webster, 32°
2nd Deacon:  Paul Rana 32°
Bearer of the Beauceant: Ford Meadows 32°
Bearer of the White Standard: Prakash Balasurramanian 32°
Bearer of the Black Standard: Robert Marshall 32°
Lieutenant of the Guard:  Robert Darrell 32°

Austin Consistory
31°-32° The Ceremonial and Official Degrees

Master of Kadosh:  Jonathan Felger, 32° K.C.C.H.
Prior:  Garth Weaver, 32° K.C.C.H.
Preceptor:  David Hill, 32°
Chancellor:  Philip Bates, 32° K.C.C.H.
Minister of State:  Matthew Whitaker, 32°
Master of Ceremonies:  Raul Scully, 32° K.C.C.H.
Expert:  Brad French, 32° K.C.C.H.
Assistant Expert: Chris Enders 32°
Captain of the Guard: Marc Siemes 32°